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Analysis of the causes of wear in various parts of bag filter

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Analysis of the causes of wear in various parts of bag filter

The wear of the dust bag is the main type of bag damage of the bag filter. After the bag type of the other bag filter causes the damaged small hole, the dusty airflow is further worn. Wear is closely related to the structure design of the baghouse, airflow organization, backflushing and so on.

The wear site of the dust bag of the bag filter is divided into the following five situations: the dust bag bag mouth, the dust bag bag body, the dust bag bottom, the dust bag bag bottom and the dust bag pocket, the wear and tear of different parts and their factors are different. The solution is different.

The dust-removing cloth bag mouth of the bag filter is mostly worn within 400mm of the bag mouth, and the damage marks are mostly from the inside to the outside. The initial stage of such wear is mainly caused by the compressed air blown back from the center of the dust bag, directly washing the side wall of the dust bag. When the compressed air deviating from one side is continuously flushed, the inner side layer of the dust bag is first blown off by the compressed air, then the base cloth is blown, and finally the filter surface is blown. When the side of the dust bag is damaged, the resistance at the damage is reduced, and the dusty fumes will quickly enter from the damage, wash away the damaged corners, form new voids and new dusty flue gas inlets, and the ever-increasing void will eventually cause the bag. The mouth is broken, and in severe cases the bag head and the bag body are separated. Such damage is mainly caused by excessive pressure of compressed air, skew of spray pipe, deformation of flower plate, etc. Once such wear is found, the bag filter should be blown back before being replaced with a new dust bag.

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Key words:Filtercartridgedustcollectormanufacturers,Bagfiltermanufacturer,Cyclonedustcollector

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