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What are the industrial classifications of bag filters?

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What are the industrial classifications of bag filters?

In fact, many people in industrial applications think that the bag is the basic core part of the bag filter. In fact, this is very reasonable. Because the bag is really a key part in the process of dust removal, it is possible to carry out dry dust removal. Electricity is the basic way to save manpower, but different models and applications are a means of effective resolution.

1. If the industrial bag filter is divided according to the processing method, it can be divided into two different forms: woven filter bag and woven filter bag. The difference between the two methods is the difference between the materials. The basic working methods are also different. That is to say, if you look at the above, you should pay attention to the neat arrangement, and you can't make any mistakes. Otherwise, it is very easy to cause errors in your work. However, if a woven filter bag is used, there is no special requirement for the arrangement method, but the role played in the actual work is very effective.

Second, the form of the cloth bag can still be divided according to different fabrics, mainly the difference of raw materials. The key point is the division of the texture of the fabric. Generally, the cloth bag made of plain weave is usually simple because of the common simple fabric. A common problem at work is the tendency to jam. The satin performance is very good, not only looks very good, but also very smooth during use, and it is very easy to clean during the later use.

According to the detailed division, the bag filter is not only divided into two different ways. Common wines are divided by these two forms. These two forms are commonly used in industrial applications.

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Key words:Filtercartridgedustcollectormanufacturers,Bagfiltermanufacturer,Cyclonedustcollector

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