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The reason for the ash at the air outlet of the bag filter

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The reason for the ash at the air outlet of the bag filter

The outlet of the bag filter is continuously "ashing", that is, due to the serious damage of the dust filter bag, the binding of the filter bag is not loose, or the upper and lower hangings of the bag filter are not tight, and the connection between the upper hanging port and the flower board, the flower board and the flower board Leakage caused by not being tight.

2. The bag filter is instantly "ashing". In this case, the dust filter bag is damaged, but it is not very serious. When the bag filter is blown, it will appear "ashing".

Factors affecting the breakage of the filter bag of the bag filter:

The factors affecting the damage of the filter bag of the bag filter are the nature of the dust, the distribution of the airflow, and the processing quality of the dust-removing skeleton. If the filter bag frame is not welded firmly, the welding dust is removed during the process of use, and the dust filter bag is broken. It should be welded in time, and the dust-removing skeleton burr welding slag should be smoothed or replaced with a new dust-removing skeleton. The filter bag skeleton is usually welded with a wire of 4 mm in diameter.

There are two common welding methods, one is spot welding with spot welding, and the other is welding with oxygen-acetylene. The former method has high production efficiency, smooth surface, less burr and less deformation. The latter method has low production efficiency, rough surface and easy deformation.

In addition, there are plastic frames used, but such frames are not suitable for use at high temperatures. During the spraying process, since the filter bag is cleaned once, it will rub against the outer surface of the dust-removing frame once. Therefore, after the dust-removing filter bag is used for a certain period of time, although it is not damaged, the contact surface between the inner surface and the dust-removing frame is worn out. When loading, the original part can be staggered according to the wear marks to avoid continued wear in the original place, which can extend the service life of the dust filter bag.

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Key words:Filtercartridgedustcollectormanufacturers,Bagfiltermanufacturer,Cyclonedustcollector

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