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Bag dust collector cooling and cooling method

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Bag dust collector cooling and cooling method

Bag dust collector cooling and cooling method:

     (1) Bag filter The medium for cooling high-temperature flue gas can use low temperature air or water. Some cool air and cold water can be produced. Whether it is cold air or water cooling, it can be directly cooled. It can also be indirectly cooled. These are cold winds that can assist the smoke. Cooling the air and then lowering the dust collector is warm.

     (2) It is possible to add some low-temperature flue gas properly. If the temperature of the gas in the same dedusting system is inconsistent, the best way is to first add a part of the low-temperature gas to the high temperature, so that the cold gas mixed gas is continuously added. , the temperature in the dust collector can not be too high.

     (3) There is also a method for the precipitator to cool down, that is, the installation of the cold air valve, the suction cooling valve after installing the cold air valve can be used in the bag filter to prevent the high smoke gas from entering the bag type exceeding the specified temperature. The dust eliminator is a butterfly valve with an adjustment function. One end is connected to the high temperature pipeline, and one end is open to the atmosphere. The regulating valve is operated by an automatic high temperature signal to control the amount of air sucked into the flue system, thereby lowering the temperature of the flue gas and adjusting it within a certain range.

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Key words:Filtercartridgedustcollectormanufacturers,Bagfiltermanufacturer,Cyclonedustcollector

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